Privacy Policy of the 1win Armenia

The Privacy Policy applies to all websites operated by 1win.

Personal data – personally identifiable details such as name, e-mail address, place of residence, telephone number, payment profile statistics, and betting history.

1win collects and processes personal data about each user, such as IP address, operating system, device type configuration, and page URLs.

Some of this intelligence is collected using cookies. The company collects details about transactions made by the user and the user’s account activity.

The material is specified by the user. This includes contact details, registration documents, and consents.

Processing of personal statistical data

The company will only process private statistics where the legitimate grounds are set out in the relevant material protection legislation. The legal grounds are:

  • Performance of a contract. Refining is possible if it is necessary for the performance of a contract;
  • Legal obligations. For the prevention of money laundering, responsible gambling requirements, and the terms of the gambling license, one win must process the player’s private statistics;
  • Legitimate interests. Data treatment for business or commercial reasons;
  • Consent of the user. In some limited cases, the processing of the player’s unique background is based on the player’s permission.

Causes and purposes

Private intelligence will be used for these purposes:

  • Creation and operation of the accountant;
  • Verify the user’s age, geographical location, the identity of customer support and assist in resolving technical or payment issues;
  • Detect and prevent fraudulent or malicious activity and protect the gambler and 1win.

Player’s entitlement

The Armenian user has the right to:

  • Know what personal data is stored;
  • Request to restrict the processing of personal data on certain occasions;
  • Revoke previously given consent if consent was necessary for the processing of private material.

1win undertakes to protect the player’s intelligence and to take appropriate technical and organizational measures.

Security arrangement

To protect private and financial details, all statistics exchanged by the company with its users are encrypted using the industry standard TLS (Transport Layer Security). Data is stored on servers and transferred in encrypted form between data centers for backup and replication. Only employees, contractors, and agents who need this information for refining have access to individual data. The security service monitors protection systems, event logs, notifications, and alerts from all systems to identify and eliminate threats.

Some of the data can be deleted at any time, other is deleted automatically, and another is retained for longer periods as needed. When deleting statistics, companies ensure that details will be completely deleted from the server.